Three Month Cold

Before you go thinking I am massively depressed or something, I just finished fighting off a rather nasty cold. I was telling people that I was being attacked by an amoeba. The world of work and study refused to wait for me. I’m still tired.

Eight Little Words

I think I wrote 8 words last night, reread an old copy of Knights of the Dinner Table, and looked at corset patterns–oh, and I played Riven for about a half hour. Anyway, the eight words did not go the way I thought they would. I am, for some reason,… Continue reading

Of all the luck…

In Sanguine update alert. Well, I was on a roll. Things were going well. My AC adaptor broke. I think this is the fourth AC adaptor in three years. Go figure. I ordered a new one, hoping to get it before we went to North Carolina. No luck. The mailman… Continue reading

Ruled Britannia

Book Recommendation: Ruled Britannia by Harry Turtledove. Just read it and loved it. Everyone who loves Shakespeare should read this book. If you don’t love Shakespeare, I imagine the dialogue will get to you after a while…but, you’re here reading this, so you can’t be all bad, now can you?… Continue reading


[staring in devilishly amused disbelief] We were hacked, can you believe that? I sure as heck can’t. Hacked. Us. The Space Port. But, we’re not that important! I mean, where is the percentage in taking this place out for a few hours? What did they gain? Nothing. I mean, on… Continue reading