Proof of my disturbed mind

I was just recently telling someone that I had left ‘Than sitting by the grave of her travelling companion, the little hitchhiker “Katia,” whom she was very sure was going to rise in the evening. Apparently the sane thing for ‘Than to do at that point was kill her. Do… Continue reading


A meandering thought…What is a writer to do when, in the midst of the Patriot Act, people who check out certain kinds of books are (by law) reported to the federal government? Today I’m researching Slavic myth, Pirates, Highwaymen, and 11th century Constantinople, but every once in a while I… Continue reading

Mailbox Fu, The Sequel

And the mailbox revealed: “Stand and Deliver: Tales of Irish Highwaymen.” No Plunkett and Macleane, though. Still trying to decide whether or not to cut the scene where Will Barber explains to Phillipe about the Amantia del Mar. Watch for it in the excerpts. If it shows up there, you’ll… Continue reading

Blog Software

I just found out that iBlog has become BlogWorkz to avoid any confusion with the other iBlog out there which produces rather dull looking blogs all to the same template. (Tried to hook up this place to their webring and discovered, much to my surprise, that the program name had… Continue reading


Bleh! Bleh, I say! Bleh! I wish I was doing this from my iBook. iBlogger is so much nicer than this interface. I just wrote an entire post that disappeared into aether. From memory: I haven’t written anything brilliant lately, unless you’re into the whole morbid humor thing. I just… Continue reading

Plunkett and Macleane

Ordered Plunkett and Macleane on video tape last night from for a whopping $0.95 ($3.74 with shipping). I’d have rather had the DVD, but I could only find regions 2 and 4. I ordered it, too, in spite of the fact that I remember telling Zag she couldn’t pick… Continue reading