Two Broken Euro Pros

Here I am, three weeks from Dragon Con with two busted sewing machines and I have the costume fever again. Better I fix that popped corset bone by hand than indulge in something new. Better perhaps, but that doesn’t look like its what I’m going to do. I want to… Continue reading

Pictures Posted

Wow! While I was home on Friday with a fever et al, I posted about half of our 2003 Dragon Con pics to this site, moved the 2002 pics, and added 2001 back. (My apologies to everyone who gets a “file not found” for the 2002 pics if you come… Continue reading

Dragon Con 2003

Simulcast on Live Journal It is difficult to give a basic impression after the fact. I wanted to update this journal at Dragon Con, but the free wireless access was over-crowded at the Hyatt, the Marriot wanted cash for theirs, and the communal computer at our hotel did not have… Continue reading