Iskandarah’s meeting

If you were privy to this yesterday, you got to see a writer in action. It wasn’t terribly exciting, I admit, and it was probably more prone to spelling and grammatical errors than Pamplona is to bovine life-forms. Anyway. I’ve moved the post. Check out excerpts, which is where it… Continue reading

Seconds from Cairo

I’ve been silly. Last Saturday, I was spending a couple of hours dithering and trying everything on in Gypsy Palace–See my Live Journal if you don’t believe me. It’s all in public posts. (whispers: It’s the button on the left that says “Live Journal”)–when I noticed a lovely brown caftan… Continue reading

Everyone is being nice for a change

I’m guessing that the text of my excerpts must have fallen in rankings on Google, because everyone is behaving themselves in my keyword/phrase searches. It’s all clean, if you can get your mind around it. No interesting rope fetishes or anything. That tempts me to post something new. In fact,… Continue reading

What does Necropolis by Moonlight have to do with the Castle Lesenvlk???

~or~ What is this character doing in that universe anyway? Other than the immortal question of “Why are we here?”1, I find myself asking that question of me as I write more on “Necropolis by Moonlight.” Friends, family, and fans2 probably know the basic plotline3. It has nothing whatever to… Continue reading

Everyone is being nice for a change

I’m guessing that the text of my excerpts must have fallen in rankings on Google, because everyone is behaving themselves in my keyword/phrase searches. It’s all clean, if you can get your mind around it. No interesting rope fetishes or anything. That tempts me to post something new. In fact,… Continue reading

Oh Freddled Grunt Buggly

It does appear that Castle Lesenvlk at the Necropolis is a little hosed due to the updates. Apparently, everything is fine in M$ Internet Explorer, but not so in my native Safari. I will have to do some corrections to the css file in order to get it to load… Continue reading