New Server Test

I realized that not only haven’t I posted in a while, but I’ve moved servers, blew up the site, repaired it, and haven’t tested everything. So, here goes nothing. Does this show up?

The Second Hand Pirate

A few weeks before Halloween, I saw a coat hanging in a thrift shop. It was a men’s wool overcoat in camel color. It wasn’t really anything special, except if you look at it this way… I left it there. I didn’t like the price, but I kept thinking about… Continue reading

My apologies

I have been hard at work with the remodel of our bathroom. We haven’t actually done the remodel yet, but I’ve been building cabinets from scratch and that sort of thing. I don’t know if it interests you (my hypothetical reader I always write to), but I’ve been enjoying it…. Continue reading

Spoken text

I’ve been trying the speech to text function in android. I’m tempted to post some of the sillier results. This post brought to you slowly by speech to text.

The History, Told in Citrus Plants

Well, my birthday came and went last weekend. I hesitate to mention which day because my friends mostly jumped on the happy-birthday bandwagon on the wrong one and I really don’t want to correct them because I appreciate the caring. Anyway, on one of the two weekend days, my Direct Gardening order… Continue reading

We’re in tatters around here

It looks like I have everything of my prior 2015 posts that I’m going to get. I can see parts of other posts, but not the full text, because Google didn’t cache the full text, just the daily archive or the categories. I know, for instance, that I showed you… Continue reading


So, it, ahhh, turns out to be perilously easy to delete your whole WordPress database while using the Quick Install tool in cpanel. I’m now trying to rebuild everything.