I started doing the unthinkable. I am downloading the contents of my DAZ 3D account. Why is this unthinkable? I don’t even have enough hard drive space if I go about this in the usual, rational way. I’m hooking up retired school computers via firewire to my laptop and using them like external drives. I’m about to go choose one for deletion for more permanent use, once I have the Runtime 1 file assembled.
Anyway, what does this have to do with writing? Not a thing, unless you look around at the art on this website or want to, oh, make a cover. It’s not easy work, so don’t think it is. It takes practice. People go to school for this stuff. I should have gone to school for this stuff.
What actually has to do with writing, though, is the “Tough Guy Sparkles.” I spent yesterday writing along in my usual Gael Warren voice, which tends to spawn all kinds of interesting quotes. I had a laugh about RIAA with regard to public performance and heroic theme music, but that wasn’t good enough to pull out and show you. No, but this was:
“I mentally tapped him with the hero wand, complete with tough guy sparkles. I liked that more than the alternative, which was to be the hero myself. I was pretty sure I was one of nature’s sidekicks.”
- Fellow DAZ-ites will recognize the terminology. Anyone else should check them out because it’s cool. Hmmm…once upon a time I was an affiliate. I wonder if they are still doing that?